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San Wingo Krónikája

én, csakis én


2008.12.04. 15:40 fokaaa

Love is my religion

More than a Goddess


I dont ask Jah, to be one of us,
to be travelin on the bus
without any conversation
Id never ask him to be one in a million.

My wish would be only one thing,
just for a simply day Man, live like me!
Feel everythin I have, do the things I do,
Suffer the pain that only you can cause.

I do believe you cant imagine
how these months hurt me
otherwise my sweet Lord
you couldnt that good old man be.

If youd know wot Youve done to me
if youd feel wot i always do always
only that way yould you realise
thats worse than in hell livin.

Gosh, Im sorry to say,
everythin turned against You,
theres someone in my life
whose much better than even You too.

Im sorry, im not prayin to you anymore,
loving her be more than livin aint a joke
For You, she might be only a human-and not the best,
but I am the one who matters, and thinks: Shes more than a Goddess...

Szólj hozzá!

2008.12.04. 15:24 fokaaa

same night, same deepshit



The third one is the 'cleverest',
it wont wait for any rhyme,
it knows how to be lost
for you Spottyspot in place and time.
It never forgets any dance,
those touches will stay with no end,
and for forgetin Lady:
simply never had the chance.
Youre everythin Lady,
its never been a question
loving you is not only a passion.
ill always say youre forever the one
whose been in my mind called HER
Thinkin bout You is an every moment thing
its killin me in every goddamn second
imma be breathin for You,
and that is how life is survivin
I know you feel everythin I feel for You
and every of my moments are lived by you too
youre makin everythin thats me bein
without You Cin the only thing would be a suicide killin
Tell me baybe, you know wot im talkin bout,
ill be waitin for you not even in dreams, buh the real life,
tell me honey you be everythin,
you be not here, so the edge between dyin and livin is so damn thin...

Szólj hozzá!

2008.12.04. 15:09 fokaaa

és Pötty...



Hello Lady, future is surviving,
Youre the one who makes me believe
that there be no better thing
than from all the harmingly happy people just hiding.

Hope therell be no time in life when youd think,
that you wont be the love for me forever in time
love me Lady, coz thats more important than breathin
i know that air would be nothin without you be loving.

Ill never hope, Ill know that fact you love me mad
when that wont happen, my heart will never beat again.
I dont wanna say I love you, the word will never be enough,
to tell You the feelings how you can be loved.

I wont give up, i know I be living forever in time till I know,
Youre the one I can wake up for, and be loved by.


Szólj hozzá!

2008.12.04. 15:01 fokaaa




People say its the best thing in life
too feel that youve found the forever love
but do they know how it can hurt
to write the so far lady the most painful verse.

Guess they only can guess
that loves the best painkiller ever
but theyd never ever believe:
dyin can be better than forever livig...

Szólj hozzá!

2008.12.04. 14:48 fokaaa

knock it out, knock it in, let me begin



..Dyin on the time Honey be aint no other
than  the price of a life
-but nothin would ever worth it better,
(for the happiest rebornin ever)
even if it brings the most painful survive.

Imma be dead now, worse than a zombie,
buh in my mind, there be the priest,
whose always been whisperin the goal
and showin me the pic.

The pic is just the past and the future,
be the life of the most beautiful dream,
and the man in the zombie escapes from the pain,
when the future becomes the moment -to be forever lived.

Szólj hozzá!

2008.12.04. 14:37 fokaaa

és Pöttydélután



Bágyadt őszi napsugarak fénye vetül ma SunCity síkjára,
pöttyös szívem hiányol minden átvészelt órában.
Ugyanaz a Nap még mindig, és majd ugyanaz a Hold este,
Te pedig ott vagy,mindig, mindenhol, mindenemben.

Láss világot, tarts meg kérlek minden szépet,
s sose feledd: enegem már eltettél egy életre.

Szólj hozzá!

2008.12.04. 14:31 fokaaa

és Pötty...



Téved az élet, ha erősnek nézett,
Sun City képe csak a lelkedben lézeng,
parton talál a reggel, szívemben szerelemmel,
sörrel a kezemben,Veled a mindenemben.

Éltemet adnám, hogy boldognak tudjalak,
miattad írok tele hófehér lapokat.
Pötty, itt már mindegy most minden,
szemem előtt csorog el nélküled az élet.

Nem is keresem, hisz nincs már értelme,
Légy boldog P, hogy tagadhassak minden létet.

Ohh, és borzasztóan Szeretlek...

Szólj hozzá!

2008.12.04. 14:23 fokaaa

csak Pötty



Mikor némává lesz a toll,mert halott a múzsa,
s csak a jelen már mi köthet gúsba
Holdra néz a Nap,s rideggé válik a nyár
hogy tudassa:pusztulj Te tespedt nyári sztár.

Halál lesz a barátod, múltad csak a szép,
mi előtted áll, csak a pokol falán a következő kép.
Boldogítsd az Ördög népét kicsi foka,
eladnád a lelked úgyis, hogy elszökhess a Pöttyös tóra.

Holdnak fénye világítja annak képét,
nem más ez csak jövőtépés
Pusztulsz foka óráról órára,
pukulnak fesze ül most ki az arcodra.

Öld meg magad, hadd pihenjen minden kutya,
Nyugodt marad az Ördögnek minden udvara.
Pokol az élet, hisz azzá lesz a holnappal,
teremtek hatalmat a Földön búval a gonosznak.

Hiányzol Pötty, hisz Tied az éltem,
magaddal viszed a láthatatlan messzeségbe.
Halott leszek, hisz nincs is más dolgom,
elveszik minden mi én:hogy csak Te ragyogj a horiznonton...

Szólj hozzá!

2008.07.15. 02:50 fokaaa

hol a királynő?

...koz tha city wid aint no queen be dead, tha citizens live aint no life, the prince must have been dead till now...

Szólj hozzá!

2008.07.14. 19:18 fokaaa

az első

The first time you say,

youre nerveous to play,

you just cant act the game,

youve stepped to the lane.


The tongue is movin,

you cant even rule it,

once youve closed your eyes

the truth in her face lies...


As you open it, youre weak

you were not the director

       -of the really last scene.

Heart been put to another reality,

i only can hope that the piecture seems happy.


i tried to be honest,

this is all i just can give,

waitin for the answer-

thats my only oppurtunety.


Tell me baybe,

wots ure happiest lie,

sorround my heart,

never say goodbye...

Szólj hozzá!

2008.06.15. 01:16 fokaaa

együtt írni még mindig nagyon, nagyon jó...

Draw my tears to the last picture together                                (katko)
be some blood from the brush the paint on the paper                   (fóka)
my guarding angel cries words to the canvas                                  k
but our love's painter is blind and nameless                                     k
so the whole thing is for nothin, as it becomes breathless                 f
shine a light to those beauty eyes to wake up                                k
and dont think they would ever need any make up                           f
hide your fountain behind the rain outside                                      k
let me prove, im the only who knows where to find                          f
the colors of your water, mirroring your invisible halo                       k
makes me feel the feather of your wings like velour                         f
like I find the way back home, where we together                           k
i only live when i hear you whisperin: forever...                              f

I asked for mercy after the eclipse of my sorrow                             k
koz i knew, the bad years without you were just too long.                f
and I belived that the oracle couldn't be wrong                               k
and everything were right that it told.                                           f

Szólj hozzá!

2007.12.31. 01:25 fokaaa


A legrágább kő


Az igazi gyémánt ragyog rajta kevés karc,

Tiszta ékkő, rajta nem tükröz vissza arc.

Kezedben fogod és érzed az évmilliókat,

De a gyémánt is csak gyémántban lesz több, mint kvarc.


Nézz a gyönyörre, keresd a választ!

Megleled-e magad, ha mélyen belé marsz?

Bennem ott vagy, Te, hogy fényessé ragyogj

Mindent, mi valaha csak léteddel a képre hatott.


Eltűntél, persze, nekem csak az emlék maradt,

A gyémántból csak egy arc, mi az évekhez ragadt.

Ott voltál Te, a drágakő, mégis elmúlt minden,

Búcsúztam, hogy érzésként létezhess az örökben.


Egy kicsit még emlékszem, milyen volt a karodban álmodni,

Nyakaknak hálóját szépséggé fokozni,

Estéknek Csillagát nappal is látni, tudod, ragyogni-

De a végső búcsút kimondtam, szerettelek, c’est la vie.


Reggel majd fölkel a Nap, a búcsút elmossák a percek,

Halad az élet, s távoli lesz a tiszta kő, lesz végre merszem,

Hogy beszéljek az arcról, a kézről, a testről, a lélekről,

Rólad, Te emlék, Te érzés, ki egyszer a gyémántban tetszett.


Egyszer talán persze visszatér minden, s előttem áll majd a fájdalom,

Az emlék helyett majd ott lesz a való, mi ott kopog az ablakon.

Fájó lesz a perc, mi elveszett, kínnal tölti ki az űrt,

Szívemből kitör a fájdalom,mit addig őrizve tűrt.


Addig maradok boldog, próbálok magamnak élni,

Hogy lehessen mire emlékezni, ha majd próbálsz visszatérni.

Mondod majd, hogy szeretsz, és sajnálod,

Én meg nem ismerlek föl, hogy egyedül követhessek el Érted-


Szólj hozzá!

2007.12.31. 01:24 fokaaa

Ashley boy's own: zip code 3539

My millenium

I know it for sure, this is the last door I will close

I’ve been lost between the pethals of your (red) rose

Since the river threw out our lives from the deep end

Love is the only message in our lives we shall send

My life is all gammon and spinach with a spicy taste

You left me so much lonely minute in time to waiste

Tonight a unicorn was knocking on the window

Silence was broken by your little footstep’s shadow

My road is open now, I can see her at the end

Every time I think about You, I’m on the mend

Love is flying with my heart above the angels voice

I’m ready to love You, I haven’t got any choice

Leave me on your lips, breath me into every sentence

Pretend your happiness, let love be a vengeance

Let me to rule your mornings from the heart

Let the mirror paint your face from reality into art

It’s a long drive home from love to loneliness

People got feelings they can feel nearly endless

You think you’re not like the others, my angel

You’re the angelic side of a different shaped stranger

We’re the everyday heroes collecting soul-dust

In a World where love is a cheap pretending of gust

So good to all of our dreams, let the bells ring

Hold your hands tightly cause I’m recklessly falling

Can’t stop this world leaving souls outside in cold space
Can’t stop my heart‘s beating when I see your pretty face
You’re my audience as I act my life on my podium
Your love is the most confusing thing in my millennium

Szólj hozzá!

2007.11.25. 01:22 fokaaa


hadd kezdjem azzal:

jah gave me this life, to control on, but he forgot how fool I can try. I became a boy, who always tries to change the people, but not one-on-one, everything by all.

jah gave me the rhyme to hear on, to make people move on, but he forgot how big power it is.

Jah gave me the love to love and love and love on. Jah gave me my Girl to love and love and love...

Jah gave me my friends to have somebody, who tells me when I'm a fool and be proud if they see I'm a sage.

Jah gave me my family to prove and protect me.

Jah gave me my purple mates to be a fanatic.

Jah gave me the football to move on.

jah gave me football fanatism, to have passion.

Jah gave me the life, to be happy.

Jah is the life, Jah rules the life, his Angels r carin. Jah knows wot to tell to his sweet Angles. Angels know wot to beleive from Jah's speech. Angels are the only rules in my life.

Thank you Jah, I do now.

Jah gave me all these things now, to make me who I am:


Szólj hozzá!

2007.11.18. 19:05 fokaaa

mert együtt írni jó...

ami lett:  

Those last-first kisses will always burn our lips

even if we were not together, when we comitted these.

look at her dreaming, you painted that smile

i did it with a happy cryin inside...

Maybe another reality I might slide

till that the hope stays that shine in those eyes.

Beneath our sacred lies

its our souls that keeps us alive

waiting for the crash everytime I drive

coz that could easily show if you have a heart

even when life is easy and love is hard

you confuse all the feelings by closing to your arms.

pretending I can live you cross every lives

that smile is the only thing in life being nice.

keep on running, let life turn the dice

and support for the six to be able to survive.

You made my heartbeats, you're my vibe

youre my headache, youre my fright

youre my peace in an endless fight

to give home, when the war is too close to my lines.



s ahogyan született:


'Those last-first kisses will always burn our lips'

Just Alfie üzenete:


Just Alfie üzenete:


Főke üzenete:


Just Alfie üzenete:

legnagyobb szöveg

Just Alfie üzenete:


Főke üzenete:


Főke üzenete:

'even if we were not together, when we comitted these.'

Just Alfie üzenete:

look at her dreaming, you painted that smile

Főke üzenete:

i did it with a happy cryin inside...

Just Alfie üzenete:

Maybe another reality I might slide

Főke üzenete:

till that the hope stays that shine in those eyes.

Just Alfie üzenete:

Beneath our sacred lies

Főke üzenete:

its our souls that keeps us alive

Főke üzenete:


Just Alfie üzenete:

waiting for the crash everytime I drive

Főke üzenete:

coz that could easily show if you have a heart

Just Alfie üzenete:

even when life is easy and love is hard

Just Alfie üzenete:

(vágod, h most egy kurva jó verset irunk:))

Főke üzenete:

(alap :D)

Főke üzenete:

you confuse all the feelings by closing to yourarms.

Just Alfie üzenete:

pretending I can live you cross ever lives

Just Alfie üzenete:

ever = evry

Just Alfie üzenete:


Just Alfie üzenete:


Just Alfie üzenete:


Just Alfie üzenete:

pretending i can love you cross every lives

Főke üzenete:

that smile is the only thing in life being nice.

Just Alfie üzenete:

keep on running, let life turn the dice

Főke üzenete:

and support for the six to be able to survive.

Just Alfie üzenete:

You made my heartbeats, you're my vibe

Főke üzenete:

youre my headache, youre my fright

Just Alfie üzenete:

youre my peace in an endless fight

Főke üzenete:

to give home, when the war is too close to my lines.

Főke üzenete:

2 komment

2007.10.08. 21:45 fokaaa

hello I love you, would you tell me your name?

Szólj hozzá!

2007.10.08. 21:42 fokaaa

deja vu

deja vu

Hello stranger, I've seen You in my dreams,
I do remember
That was the moment, when I've lost my mind.

Hello stranger, I've seen You in the past,
I do remember
You were the one, who touched my heart.

Hello stranger, I've seen you some day ago
Just in front of me
You looked into my eyes.

Hello stranger, I do remember now
You tried to kiss me in front of that bar.

Hello stranger, You gotta know something,
I still feel your lips-
even if I didnt let you to kiss.

Hello stranger, I do remember now,
You were the one, who teached me how to love.

Hello stranger, I still see your face,
I see it around- at every god damn place.

Hello stranger, you're beautiful.

Hello Stranger, I can still be
-whenever you need me
to be...

Szólj hozzá!

2007.08.23. 20:27 fokaaa

gone for a while-seen a new face

Inner world with no outside


Sweet me like you never did,

hug me, or I'll rather kill.

Show me what is inside,

Because what is lying deep inside in the dust

                       -is love


Forget about the rules,

close your eyes and search for me.

Maybe I'm the same lord,

that you have always been imagining.


And what if not?

Just stay around me

        -and don't forget that blink

Szólj hozzá!

2007.08.11. 21:47 fokaaa



Jelzem, megvagyok, létezem. Csak egy kicsit pihenek. Márminthogy agyilag, lelkileg. Ez most nagyon rámfér.

A St...anymore-saga úgy tűnik véget ér.


És a jövő héttől újból otthon: San Wingoban.

csók, fóka


Szólj hozzá!

2007.07.23. 23:06 fokaaa


ma kiderült,hogy nem hazudtam. Az utolsó másodpercig emlékszem mindenre. Még egy kicsit itt maradok, nem megyek haza. San Wingo várhat még egy kicsit.

Szólj hozzá!

2007.07.23. 13:10 fokaaa

vissza a szárnyakhoz

Most kicsit úgy érzem magam,mintha nem is én írtam volna ezeket. Nem érzem át. Valami baj van velem. Itt ülök, és látom mik vannak itt,de nem emlékszem rájuk. Egyáltalán. Hogy mi és hogy szülte őket... 4hetes amnézia... Van ilyen? Holnap visszamegyek San Wingoba, abból nem lehet baj...

Szólj hozzá!

2007.07.23. 13:08 fokaaa

Still Bitter Goodbye lyrics


(tribute to Víg Café)


 Sweet memories, hugs, touches,

english words, smells, sights.

Moments, emotions, all are coming back

when sitting at a table, where you held my hands.



A picture, voices, the chair and the wine,

keeps me remembering and loving, which will never die.

I see your eyes, I feel your hands,

and I'm sure I'll never forget that dance.



I see your smile, even if you're that far,

My only wish is to see you and feel in my arms.

Hug me, just once again please,

Koz that is the thing I can not stop imagine.



Smoke my cigars, ask for the light,

get drunk again, so that I could buy

some water and chocolate for you.

Everything we did are now spreading in my bones.



But the wine is not as cold as it was,

The shop is not selling anymore those chocolate bars,

Your chair is now empty, only we are the same,

And I'm afraid, that I'll never see you again.



Szólj hozzá!

2007.07.14. 03:44 fokaaa

mea culpa

magarázat, képek, kommentek, minden más: később...

Szólj hozzá!

2007.07.14. 03:43 fokaaa

three nights of a Miracle

3 estés csoda

Álmoknak tengerén véresen hajózni,
Viharban életért,
csendben halálért is harcolni.
Napoknak hajnalán frissen feküdni
s a kettőt már kávéval köszöntni.
-minden nap.

Éberen ébredni, álmokat kergetni.

Álom, ébredés, látás, érzés, hallgatás.

Még egyszer látlak egyéletben,
s remény csak a kettő,
de érezni, éltetni fog minden.
-mi reménykeltő

Egy felhőn még gondolsz rám,
egy szívben még látlak tán,
s az új nap végül felébreszt,
s álom marad örökké három est.
-mi egy szívben fáj.

Szólj hozzá!

2007.07.14. 03:36 fokaaa

latest-bitter goodbye

(not titled)

I'd love to see you again,
I'd love to 'koz it hurts
to love you without knowing
-what you really were...

I'll never forget you,
'koz you're an Angel too,
you are one of those who are
never let me lose.

If I fall, your wings will take me high,
to watch every bad steps again-from high above.

It was only 'two-night-stand',
untill this free weir night,
but it was really the only two,
that never blows out from my mind.

(not titled)

Those last-first kisses will always burn our lips,
even if we were not together, when we comitted these.
Everytime I think of you, I feel the first love,
The flames in a heart, the pain in the stomach.

Every momet spent with you
makes me a 14-yrs old boy,
with this nerve everytime
before a 'first-date-fly'.

Baybe, you made me a fool,
see me, I'm writing to you.
I don't even know you, but I can imagine,
You are the Angel, who's caring up there.

I have to finish, it's emberassing,
that I'm like a funny kid- just 'koz of you.
The worst is just coming, it's not that I may be in love,
but the fact, that a foolish kid can not even write...

(not titled)

Stand and stare
Love and believe
dreamin of dreamin
sorry,I'm leavin

I want to hate you
please, hit me hard
don't call me, forget me,
and don't be smart.

Do something, so that I could hate,
Do something, so that I could not love.
Or stay as you are, be pretty and kind,
so then I keep lovin you- and dyin inside...

Szólj hozzá!

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