hadd kezdjem azzal:
jah gave me this life, to control on, but he forgot how fool I can try. I became a boy, who always tries to change the people, but not one-on-one, everything by all.
jah gave me the rhyme to hear on, to make people move on, but he forgot how big power it is.
Jah gave me the love to love and love and love on. Jah gave me my Girl to love and love and love...
Jah gave me my friends to have somebody, who tells me when I'm a fool and be proud if they see I'm a sage.
Jah gave me my family to prove and protect me.
Jah gave me my purple mates to be a fanatic.
Jah gave me the football to move on.
jah gave me football fanatism, to have passion.
Jah gave me the life, to be happy.
Jah is the life, Jah rules the life, his Angels r carin. Jah knows wot to tell to his sweet Angles. Angels know wot to beleive from Jah's speech. Angels are the only rules in my life.
Thank you Jah, I do now.
Jah gave me all these things now, to make me who I am:
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